Tondo Forte Red Wine Vinegar 250ml
NeroModena produces balsamic vinegars on their vineyard where Trebbiano and Lambrusco grapes are hand-picked, the must collected is cooked over direct heat and aged in oak, chestnut, ash and cherry barrels. The resulting balsamic vinegars are a winning combination of ancient secrets and modern production techniques. No preservatives or colouring agents are ever added in full compliance with the strict IGP rules.
The Tondo range covers a large variety of this ancient traditional flavour adapted to contemporary culinary trends.
“Forte” is a vinegar made from slowly acetified high alcohol wines from the property, aged in French Oak barrels. The result is a vinegar with a wonderful vinous bouquet and real wine flavour.
The grapes used create scents of ripe fruit, almonds and vanilla. Tannins are softened by the barrel fermentation producing a nicely rounded and balanced base.
Classically agrodolce and light in colour, it can be used for dressings, pickling and as acetification in sauces and emulsions. There is no sugar residue.